The Seek Blog Dec2024

Dec 2024

The Seek Blog

Blessings, Blessings, Blessings. Seekers

Usually, I don't share intimate moments of my process, but when I discovered that all of them had been captured, I realized this was not just for me.

When I transitioned to South TX in Nov of 2023 I was so overcome with the process that I didn't start leaning in to ask Abba WHY until I sat on my now leader's couch and she told me ignorance is not bliss.

After much prayer Abba answered in May 2024 "Build me an Alter" It was not a coincidence that in June 2022 I went to Kneeology in Chicago and the theme was "Build Him an Alter" which I received a military backpack and was stirred and activated in the revelation of a midwife.

This led me to my Watchman notes and Holy Spirit revealed prior years' journal entries about Building Alters unto the Lord. So when I saw the title "Building Alters " I knew I had to be in Beaumont TX.

For events that my serving organization is connected with, I usually work the altar, positioned in prayer and worship for others but this time I was led to position myself surrendered at every alter call and in expectation. I obeyed and received so many instructions for the assignment of South TX.

In this moment I found myself participating in the floor ministry, overcome by the power of the Lord. As I attempted to roll over to get up I hit the wall and was transferred into an Ezekiel-like experience.

Most of what I saw is none of your business, but this is what I can share :

🌟There is a call to return to the Wall of Prayer. Be in the place and posture God has called you to. On Purpose regardless of resistance. Come when called.

🌟We must Watch and Pray. Knowing what the Lord is saying and knowing what is going on around us. Don't make it difficult. Ignorance is not bliss.

🌟We must be on assignment intentionally Building in Prayer and taking action as they did in Nehemiah, a tool in one hand and a weapon (Sword of the Spirit ) in the other.

🌟Your obedience MATTERS.

If the leader had not gathered or I would not have gone I could still be in labor in prayer or ignorance for something Abba wanted to transfer in one weekend. Are you holding up others' breakthroughs or deliverance because you won't obey? Obedience is better than sacrifice. Don't be found with blood on your hands.

🌟Who you are connected to MATTERS.

The direction from my leaders awakened me to the seek and because I was connected I was able to see the event because of her connection. This is not a lone ranger season. Kingdom collaborations, partnerships, and connections are vital.

🌟Being in the right place regardless of others' opinions and opposition MATTERS. I was not supposed to be anywhere for 4 days in this Healthcare care end-of-year season but Abba made a way. When you decide to partner with God, He always provides. Ways in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

🌟Recording or Scribing what the Lord says regardless of how small it seems and even if you don't understand it MATTERS. When unctioned journal, voice record, capture what thus sayeth the Lord. He will bring all the pieces together in due season.

My Prayer as you complete this reading is for you to be stirred up.

Get in the posture or position the Lord is calling you to, even if you don't understand it. It could be geographical, physical, or spiritual. Be found there surrendered and in expectation.

Your next set of instructions will be found after this step of obedience. Let's Go!


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P.S. Take Your Sword Bonus Episode 3 " Razor Sharp" is loading this weekend. Stay connected.

TYS Strategy Journal


Three FREE Sword Strategy Journals will be given away at the end of the Bonus Series. The journal is a powerful tool to help you Weld your sword for personal victories. All it takes from you is a post and review. That simple:

  • Post on your social media a picture of your copy of T.YS. or a quote from the book or the Podcast, tag me, Tab Collins on Facebook, or Watch_Tab on Instagram, and use the hashtag #TakeYourSword.
  • Then Give T.Y.S a Great 5-star review on Amazon. or give The Seek podcast a great review on whatever streaming service you listen to.

P.S.S. I want to hear from you. How can I pray for you? Message me by responding to this email or connect via social media. I would love to support you in your journey toward victory.


And it came to pass, when our enemies heard that it was known unto us, and God had brought their counsel to nought, that we returned all of us to the wall, every one unto his work.
They which builded on the wall, and they that bare burdens, with those that laded, every one with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other hand held a weapon.
For the builders, every one had his sword girded by his side, and so builded. And he that sounded the trumpet was by me. Nehemiah 4: 15,17,18. KJV

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